
Rain Forest Homework Help
Emergent Layer


Animals That Live in the Emergent Layer of the Rain Forest

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Animals That Live in the Emergent Layer of the Rain Forest By Tracy Renee Stefan eHow Contributing Writer All-text article. READ MORE

Animals of the Treetops

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Animals of the Treetops, By Marcia Malory, Earth Facts Other than birds, there are only a few vertebrates that live in the treetops. One that does, however, is the proboscis monkey, which you c READ MORE

What Animals Live in the Emergent Level of the Rainforest?

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What Animals Live in the Emergent Level of the Rainforest? By J.R. Kendall Trails.com Information on the hummingbird, harpy eagle, and the Goliath Bird-Eating Tarantula.. READ MORE


Votes:21 Comments:0
Tualang, West Tisbury School Students, BluePlanetBiomes.org, "The Tualang are found in the Southeast Asia rainforests and can reach up to 250 feet in height. Read about its features and how it is READ MORE

Kapok Tree

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Kapok Tree, West Tisbury School Students, BluePlanetBiomes.com, "The Kapok is one of the trees that you will find in the emergent layer of the rainforest." This site has a picture and excellen READ MORE

The Overstory Layer of the Rainforest Canopy

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The Overstory Layer of the Rainforest Canopy, by Rhett Butler, Mongabay.com, "The overstory consists of giant emergent trees that tower above the surrounding canopy." Visit the web site for pi READ MORE

Eagles - Rainforests

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Eagles - Rainforests, By Marcia Malory, earthfacts.com, "Eagles are the top predators of the emergent layer of the tropical rainforest." Visit the web site to learn more. READ MORE

Animals of the Treetops

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Animals of the Treetops, By Marcia Malory, Earthfacts.com "Only a few vertebrate animals other than birds live in the thin branches of the tropical rainforest's tallest trees." Visit the w READ MORE

Life in the rainforest - Emergent Layer

Votes:23 Comments:0
Life in the rainforest - Emergent Layer by Lisa Dispenza The Emergent Layer of a rainforest is the tallest layer. This layer gets more sun than any other layer in a rainforest. The Emergent Lay READ MORE

Structure of Rainforest

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Structure of Rainforest, Team 27257, ThinkQuest, Read about the rainforests' structure, uses, abuses, species, people, and future. Visit the web site to learn more. READ MORE
The emergent layer is the tallest layer in the rain forest, whose entire existence depends on the tallest layer's ability to control moisture. The emergent layer provides food for a wide variety of animals like birds, insects, and snakes; it also hosts thousands of epiphytes, which take no nourishment from the host tree but provide a home to canopy pollinators.
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