KidsZone: People of the Rainforest

KidsZone: People of the Rainforest

People with Spanish ancestors who live along the rivers of the rain forest are called riberneros or mestizos. They live in small villages or farms. They speak with Spanish accents and have dark skin and dark hair. They wear clothes much like we wear in the United States in warmer weather. They live a very simple life, usually cooking outside whatever they can find from the forest, grow in a small garden, or trade in the city for.

People who are native to a place (their ancestors haved lived there thousands of years) are called indigenous. In the Amazon rain forest, one group of indigenous people is called the Yagua Indians. They have their own language and customs. They sometimes sell things they made or got from the forest to tourists to make money. The Yagua Indians of Peru are an indigenous group of people that live in the rain forest in the Amazon Basin near Iquitos.

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