Lemurs: Physical Description, Communication, Conservation and Habitat
Lemurs: Physical Description, Communication, Conservation and Habitat
Physical Description: The lemur is a kind of primate, which means it is related to apes and humans. You would never know it from the way it looks though! There are many kinds of lemurs, but most have long, pointy noses, which contribute to their excellent sense of smell. With over 30 species, each type of lemur looks very different. They vary color from reddish brown to gray, and come in all different sizes, too. The smallest lemur, the pygmy mouse lemur, weighs only one ounce. But the biggest lemurs, the Indri and Diademed Sifaka lemurs, can weigh up o fifteen pounds, which is about as much as a big cat.
Communication: Lemurs use their sense of smell to communicate with each other. These primates have scent glands on their bottoms and on their feet that leave odors on surfaces they cross. When other lemurs pass by, they smell those odors and can tell that another lemur has been there. Lemurs have big, bushy tails that they wave in the air as another form of communication. These big tails also help lemurs balance when they leap from tree to tree.
Habits: Most lemurs are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in trees and bushes. They have a good grip for hanging on to branches.
Only the Ringtail lemur spends most of its time on the ground. Usually lemurs that are awake during the day live in groups. Besides using scent glands and tails to communicate, they also make noises. Nocturnal lemurs,
that are active at night, tend to live alone.
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