Mountain Gorilla Trip in Rwanda Our Personal Experiences
Mountain Gorilla Trip in Rwanda Our Personal Experiences
By Irina Ignatova
Our guests - Judy and Mark of MouseTours Travels - share their experiences of meeting mountain gorillas in Rwanda. Most interesting read!
I can't really tell you why we decided to go see mountain gorillas. It was probably something we read or saw on TV that sparked our interest.
We love to travel... wildlife adventures or cultural adventures or anything. With our website at MouseTours Travels, we try to encourage everyone to travel... it helps wildlife when you visit, and it helps people understand one another.
But let me tell you about mountain gorillas... we were talking with one of our travel buddies one afternoon, and we all just decided it was something we really wanted to do.
At the time of our visit, groups of six were allowed to visit gorilla families once per day. The local guides kept track of where they had seen the gorillas last, and we started our treks in different locations depending on where the guides thought the gorillas would be found.
Please visit the website for the rest of the article.
