Native American Indian Cultures - Yanomamo Indians
Native American Indian Cultures - Yanomamo Indians
Area: Brazil (Amazonas and Roraima states) and Venezuela (Map)
First Contact: 1929
Population: 11,700 in Brazil (in 2000) and 15,193 in Venezuela (in 1992)
Language Root: Yanomami (4 sub-groups) Yanoma (Yanomam), Sanuma, Ninam, Yanam.
Other Names: Yanomame, Yanomami, Guaica, Guaharibo, Guajaribo, Ianomâmi, Yanomama, Yanoama, Xirianá
Dialects: Eastern Yanomami (Parima), Western Yanomami (Padamo-Orinoco), Cobari (Kobali, Cobariwa). Different from, but related to Yanomami (Waika) of Brazil. The Cobari dialect is easily intelligible with the others. Tropical forest. Hunters, agriculturalists: bananas, tubers, tobacco.
Today: Continuous active genocide including the senseless massacre in September, 1993, An estimated 23 persons died, mostly women and children. Sixty two percent of Yanomami tested positive for new strains of malaria introduced by garimpeiros (gold miners) which have brought every conceivable disease known to modern man, from the common cold (Yanomami have no immunity to combat our most common ailment) right up to and including AIDS.
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