Rain Forest
Rain Forest
About Us
abcteach aim …
To be a user-friendly educational site that provides quality printable materials for immediate use by teachers, education majors, and parents.
abcteach history …
In 2000, abcteach entered the Internet world as a free educational website for teachers. The site was the brainchild of Sandy Kemsley, a Michigan schoolteacher who was retiring after 26 years of teaching elementary school. A website seemed the perfect way for Sandy to continue to communicate her love of teaching and her wealth of knowledge. Little did she know that her “little website” would evolve into the hugely popular site that abcteach has become. In just nine years, the original staff of one has expanded to eighteen.
abcteach free site …
Over two million people visit the free site each month to find outstanding material for preschool through eighth grade. Currently, there are over five thousand documents (from simple worksheets to full ten-page units) on the free site, with new materials being added every month. A monthly newsletter is available to anyone who wants to stay on top of the newest materials added to the free site.
abcteach membership site…
The abcteach membership site was created to help offset the costs of maintaining the increasingly popular site. Members gain access to an even larger selection of cross-curricular materials that are available through simple downloads. The collection of over 20,000 documents is constantly expanding, reflecting current events and educational trends as well as member requests. The site features over three thousand images of teacher-oriented clip art, and new clip art is added every week. Members receive a weekly newsletter notifying them of the newest material on the member site and highlighting other materials of topical interest. Members also have access to abctools, a group of generators for creating personalized worksheets tailored to the specific needs and interests of the students.
abctools generators…
abctools are designed to help teachers create the documents they need for their classrooms when they can't find exactly what they are looking for elsewhere. We currently have tools for creating handwriting worksheets (ZB-Style Font, D’Nealian, Handwriting Without Tears, and Queensland), crossword puzzles, shapebooks, word walls, word unscrambles, word searches, math_worksheets, and sudoku. You can try all of our tools for free!
abcteach audience …
* abcteach features material for preschool through 8th grade, and teachers of these grades rely on abcteach to provide a range of quality material in all subjects, for all students
* High school educators also love abcteach materials, which they use with their students who are not yet learning at grade level.
* School libraries and public libraries use abcteach for their after-school programs and summer library programs.
* Adult education teachers use abcteach to help their adult students learn to read.
* ESL teachers of adults and children use abcteach to help bridge the gap in learning English.
* Language teachers use abcteach to teach basic Spanish, French, and German to students of all ages.
* Schools for the deaf appreciate the versatility of abcteach.
* Senior citizen centers use abcteach to retrain stroke victims.
* Homeschool parents trust abcteach to enhance their homeschool curriculum.
* Parents and grandparents reinforce homework with abcteach.
* Businesses find abcteach perfect to “entertain and educate” children while they are working with their parents.
* University education students are some of our most avid users. The abcteach University Partnership program provides a unique opportunity for universities to put abcteach in the hands of their “student teachers” at no cost.
* University professors use abcteach in their methodology classes.
