Tropical Rainforest Conservation -
Tropical Rainforest Conservation
By Rhett Butler
About's Rhett Butler is the effort of Rhett A. Butler and unless noted otherwise (usually at the top or bottom of a page), all content and pictures on mongabay have been written or produced by Rhett. Rhett can be contacted via email here. Further background on Rhett is available at the FAQs/Interview page. aims to raise interest in wildlife and wildlands while promoting awareness of environmental issues. Originally the site was based around a text on tropical rainforeststhat I developed four year period (1996-2000), but today the site has expanded to other topics. In 2004 I developed to focus on the incredible biodiversity of Madagascar. In 2005 I released a kids version of the rainforest site and launched the mongabay environmental science news site. In 2006, I introduced the first foreign language versions of the kids' site. and are self-funded -- there is no organization or outside funder associated with the site. Advertising covers the cost of running the site:
I welcome feedback and user submission of photos and information. I can also use help with species identification and translation [in almost any language].
