
Rain Forest Homework Help
Rainforest Conservation Homework Help


WWF's Amazon & Rainforest Conservation Program

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WWF's Amazon & Rainforest Conservation Program World Wildlife Organization Jan 11, 2008 Video length: 02:06. READ MORE

Why Should We Save The Amazon Rainforest?

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Why Should We Save The Amazon Rainforest?, By somenextstuff, YouTube.com, Video length: 05:05. READ MORE

Conservation in the Neotropics

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Conservation in the Neotropics Rainforest Alliance "Rainforests surround the Equator, extending as far north as the Tropic of Cancer and as far South as the Tropic of Capricorn." Visit the we READ MORE

A Student Guide To Tropical Forest Conservation

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A Student Guide To Tropical Forest Conservation J.Louise Mastrantonio and John K. Francis USDA Forest Service International Programs Tropical forests, which circle the globe, are surprisingly div READ MORE

Why Save the Rainforest?

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Why Save the Rainforest? Tooter4kids.com There are many good reason to save the world's rain forests. One of the most important being that the rain forest is an important factor in the Earth's d READ MORE

How to Save Tropical Rainforests

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How to Save Tropical Rainforests By Rhett A. Butler Mongabay.comn Today tropical rainforests are disappearing from the face of the globe....... So, what should be done? The solution must be READ MORE

Why Preserve Rainforests?

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Why Preserve Rainforests?, By Anna Mazzaro, March 25, 2002, Montclair State University, "Is it important to save rainforests? Why?" One of our readers wrote to us with those questions, so Anna READ MORE

Rainforest Conservation

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Rainforest Conservation Treetop Adverntures Ltd. So, uhmm where are the Gibbons? That's our questions too. Deforestation, over-hunting and overuse of land in many parts of Thailand have all contr READ MORE

Kids Saving the Rainforest

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Kids Saving the Rainforest Very informative website by two students who created the non-profit. Please visit the website for more information. READ MORE

Another look at global rainforest conservation

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Another look at global rainforest conservation Editorial Rhett Butler, mongabay.com April 19, 2005 Are rainforests still in need of saving? With Earth Day approaching it is appropriate to READ MORE

Jungle Photos Amazon Conservation

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Jungle Photos Amazon Conservation JunglePhotos.com Much of the news coming out of the Amazon is not good (see News). We hear much about uncontrolled burning of the rainforest, logging, mining, u READ MORE
Many rainforests are being cut down and cleared, in the view of some people, at an alarming rate to be used for agriculture purposes. Why is that something we should care about? Many of the life-saving medications we take originated from tropical rainforests. More than half of all plants, animals, and organisms in the world live in the rainforests; what about all the undiscovered specie we don't know about?
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