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South America


Huge coral reef discovered at Amazon river mouth

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Huge coral reef discovered at Amazon river mouth, April 22, 2016, By John Vidal, The Guardian, Scientists astonished to find 600-mile long reef under the muddy water in a site already marked for READ MORE

Massive Coral Reef Discovered in the Amazon River

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Massive Coral Reef Discovered in the Amazon River, April 24, 2016, By Tia Ghose, Senior Writer, LiveScience.com, Scientists have discovered a huge coral reef system lurking beneath the muddy wat READ MORE

Deforestation Robs Amazon Soil of Life

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Deforestation Robs Amazon Soil of Life, January 17, 2015, By Emily Eggleston, Discovery News, Standing where the Amazon rainforest became pasture, it is easy to recognize the absence of trees. W READ MORE

Ancient Fish Remains Fertilize the Amazon Rainforest

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Ancient Fish Remains Fertilize the Amazon Rainforest, September 25, 2014, By Paul Heltzel, Discovery.com, Ancient fish from Africa help fertilize the Amazon rainforest, researchers from the UK r READ MORE

Amazon Rainforest Reeling from Eight-Year Megadrought

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Amazon Rainforest Reeling from Eight-Year Megadrought, By Glacier Analytics, Scribol.com, "One of the planet's most important natural treasures, the Amazon rainforest, may be at a point of catast READ MORE

Amazon Rainforest Facts

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Amazon Rainforest Facts, SoftSchools.com, Looking for stats on the rainforest for a report? This page lists interesting facts. READ MORE

Amazon: 1% of tree species store 50% of region's carbon

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Amazon: 1% of tree species store 50% of region's carbon, April 28, 2015, By Mark Kinver, Environment reporter, BBC News, Although the region is home to an estimated 16,000 tree species, resear READ MORE

Discovering New Species in the Amazon

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Discovering New Species in the Amazon, Produced by: Federico Pardo, Smithsonian.com, Video length: 05:03. READ MORE

New Dwarf Dragons Have Been Found in the Andes

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New Dwarf Dragons Have Been Found in the Andes, April 6, 2015, By Rachel Nuwer, smithsonian.com, Combination of text and photos. READ MORE

Amazon's carbon uptake declines as trees die faster

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Amazon's carbon uptake declines as trees die faster, March 18, 2015, University of Leeds, Science Daily, Article with one photo; click to enlarge. READ MORE

Ecosystems still feel the pain of ancient extinctions

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Ecosystems still feel the pain of ancient extinctions, August 11, 2013, by Michael Marshall, New Scientist, All-text article. READ MORE

Amazon Rainforest Reeling from Eight-Year Megadrought

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Amazon Rainforest Reeling from Eight-Year Megadrought, Written by: Glacier.Analytics, Scribol staff, Combination of text and photographs. READ MORE

NASA Satellites Detect Extensive Drought Impact on Amazon Forests

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NASA Satellites Detect Extensive Drought Impact on Amazon Forests Released: 3/29/2011, Source: Boston University College of Arts & Sciences, Newswise.com Article with two maps; click to enlarg READ MORE

New Research Explains Why More Species Live in the Amazon Rainforests

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New Research Explains Why More Species Live in the Amazon Rainforests Released: 5/3/2011, Source: Stony Brook University, Newswise.com Article with one photo; click to enlarge. READ MORE

Controlling the Ranching Boom that Threatens the Amazon

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Controlling the Ranching Boom that Threatens the Amazon August 10, 2009 By Rhett Butler, for Environment 360, a publication of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies "Clearing land READ MORE

How Big Oil is Destroying the Amazon Rainforest

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How Big Oil is Destroying the Amazon Rainforest, By Karl Fabricius, Scribol staff, Combination of text and photos. READ MORE

Amazon Storm Killed Half a Billion Trees

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Amazon Storm Killed Half a Billion Trees Jul 12, 2010 LiveScience Article with one photo. READ MORE

Project Amazonia

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Project Amazonia Mission 2006 Massachusetts Institute of Technology This is the site index of the presentation - from here you can access the group's findings on the abiotic and biotic feature READ MORE

Bruce Parry's Amazon - About the Journey

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Bruce Parry's Amazon - About the Journey, BBC, "In 2007 explorer Bruce Parry embarked on an epic journey down the Amazon to discover the stories of the people who live along the greatest river on READ MORE

South American Rainforest

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South American Rainforest Rainforest-Facts.com Photos and text describing rainforest in the Amazon, Venezuela, Guyana, Columbia, Ecuador, Brazil, Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. READ MORE

Virtual Rainforest

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Virtual Rainforest, Copyright Dr. Gerald R. Urquhart, Michigan State University, Great site! At first glance all you see is a nice picture of a rainforest, but move your mouse over the picture an READ MORE

Bob the Anaconda Introduces the Amazon Rainforest YouTube

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Bob the Anaconda Introduces the Amazon Rainforest By teamplayer1906 YouTube.com Video length: 06:30. READ MORE

The Amazon and Neotropical Rainforest

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The Amazon and Neotropical Rainforest By Steve Nix About.com Guide One-paragraph description of the size of the Amazon; also has links to rainforest information listed by country. READ MORE

Rainforest animals and plant life in the Amazon Jungle - YouTube

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Rainforest animals and plant life in the Amazon Jungle BBC Worldwide YouTube.com Video length: 01:49. READ MORE

The Kayapo Nation: Protectors of the Amazon

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The Kayapo Nation: Protectors of the Amazon Video Conservation International Video length: 03:03. READ MORE

Journey Into Amazonia

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Journey Into Amazonia PBS.org "Journey into Amazonia" features the swollen rivers, flooded forests and dense canopy of the vast rain forest recognized as one of Earth's natural wonders. For thre READ MORE

Amazon Rainforest - The Largest Forest in the World

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Amazon Rainforest - The Largest Forest in the World By: C.M.Shorter TigerHomes.org The Amazon Rainforest is not only the largest forest in the world - it is often called the Lungs of the World READ MORE

Rainforest Facts

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Rainforest Facts Raintree Nutrition, Inc. The Disappearing Rainforests * We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforest READ MORE

The Amazon Rainforest

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The Amazon Rainforest Rhett A. Butler Mongabay.com The Amazon: The World's Largest Rainforest The Amazon River Basin is home to the largest rainforest on Earth. The basin -- roughly the size o READ MORE

Welcome to My Jungle! Lesie Taylor's Personal Website

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Welcome to My Jungle! Lesie Taylor's Personal Website Welcome to my homepage about the Amazon Rainforest! My name is Leslie Taylor. I spend a lot of time in the Amazon jungle where I research med READ MORE

Amazon Rainforest

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Amazon Rainforest Rainforestanimals.net Overview The Amazon Rainforest is fed by the Amazon River and its tributaries. This area is known as the Amazon River Basin. The river begins in the Pe READ MORE

BBC | Science & Nature | Giant river otter

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BBC | Science & Nature | Giant river otter Giant river otter Pteronura brasiliensis Photos and information on the otter's habitat, distribution, and behavior. READ MORE

Into the Depths of the Amazon

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Into the Depths of the Amazon, Think Quest Library Within Amazonia lies creatures, vegetation, incredible mysteries, native inhabitants, and a long, treacherous river. It's certainly not a boring READ MORE

Amazon Interactive

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Amazon Interactive Eduweb.com Explore the geography of the Ecuadorian Amazon through online games and activities. Learn about the rainforest and the Quichua people who call it home. Discover the w READ MORE
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